If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your order, simply contact us within 30 days from the date of shipment so that we can make arrangements for a return. You will receive a full product refund, minus the cost of a return shipping label that will be emailed to you. The item(s) should be packed as well as they were when you received the package. All returns must be in their original condition, and not show any signs of damage, wear, etc. If the item is broken due to poor packaging when returned, it cannot be refunded.

We do our very best to ensure that all items are free of damage and that every listing provides an accurate description. Should you receive a damaged item or if the item is not as described, please send an email describing the damage as well as photos evidence. If an item arrives damaged, we will cover the cost of the return shipping label and give you a full refund on the item. The original shipping will not be refunded.

Refunds on tickets are available up until 48 hours before the class. No call, no shows forfeit their tickets. All seats for classes are able to be transferred to another class at the same location.